
Common.Center (formerly MML) is a representation of the MBI collaborative creative community. As the Head Creative Director/Coordinator, I helped launch Common, establishing organizational and digital infrastructures and standard operating procedures. I also helped build the Journalism and Publishing teams. I primarily oversaw seven team directors, and coordinated around 200 students.

The Rewired Conference

The Rewired Conference is multi-day Christian event focused on sexuality. The primary focus of the conference is how to heal from the harmful effects of porn addiction and sexual brokenness, and how the pornification of our world is damaging families, communities, and society. I led logistics, management, strategy, and planning of the conference, and I was also a keynote speaker.

Common Strategy Guide

After transitioning the Moody Media Lab to Common.Center, I designed a basic 3 phase strategy for Common to achieve its goals in the future as I moved away. This media plan primarily provides details for the transition from phase 1 to phase 2, and how to enable and encourage the greater student body to engage with the new online platform.

Digital Systems & Storage Solutions

Axis is primarily a digital media company. We decided to use Google Workspace for storage, migrating all previous data, and establishing SOP for new content. I also helped design project workflows in Slack, Clickup, and various Adobe Creative Cloud programs for content creation. The goal was simple, unified, storage solutions with standardized naming structures, and efficient templates for product content.

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