This is one of the most challenging pieces I’ve written, but also one of the best. Published during the racial tensions of 2020, this guide provides a framework for racism in the US.

In March 2020, COVID-19 caught the world by surprise. Written under a tight deadline, this guide helped parent’s understand COVID-19, and how the three pronged crises might affect their family.

Chicago Retold is a wholistic creative non-fiction approach to explore violence in Chicago. I was editor-in-chief of the award winning project in 2017, and it’s still my favorite publication.

I wrote this piece for the Chicago Retold project. It depicts the life story of Malik, a westside gangster, as he pursues the feeling of family in his gang, family, and church.

My words and images have featured in several Thin Space magazines, but “It Really Shouldn’t Be Funny” is my favorite. The memoir depicts my personal journey adjusting to gun violence in the hood.

“Dear Moody Professor” is a MBI specific version of a book to gift college professors. Each chapter represents a different perspective, and profs say it’s a powerful and encouraging collection of letters.

I worked at a newspaper for a few years as a writer, photographer, and editor. This is a sample of some of my images and articles that were published.

A short story about Joseph N. Taylor, a black busker I met in the CTA tunnels beneath the O’Hare International Airport during the holidays.

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